This isn’t going to feature in the annals of my best work, but seeing as it was the “writer’s group” exercise that kicked off the writing again, I thought I should put it here. The workings are rusty, but I’m at least having phrases and rhythms pop into my head again, I’ve taken to carrying an Ipaq around with me to jot down lines and hopefully shape poems! I’ve got some in the pipeline now so I hope to post them here. Might be a while before I get up to the level of intensity I used to write with, or maybe less intensity is now the point…
Spring – for want of a better title…
Footsteps of winter stumble into spring;
As trees breathe their dead to life
Insects crawl from dreams of invasion.A symphony of beaks tunes up
To a metronome of sun and moon
And the year’s new wind conducts.Stream shatters over still rocks
To splash and catch cold spectrum
As it shifts to kinder colours.As light lures life from buds
Motes of photons swim still air,
Ignite cold eyes, plough lifeInto fields where cricketers wear white
And evergreens pause and wink
As innings change over below them.Roots fixed and deep still take their
Footsteps through time, pause
Before the sprint into summer.